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[header_title title=”LIFE INSURANCE” header_size=”h2″]
Life insurance is a type of insurance. As in all insurance, the insured transfers a risk to the insurer, receiving a policy and paying a premium in exchange. The risk assumed by the insurer is the risk of death of the insured.


1. Term

  • level, (the amount of coverage is fixed during the period of coverage) or declining, (the coverage drops according to a specified schedule).
  • renewable, (the policyholder can continue the coverage at the end of the term by paying further – higher – premiums) or non-renewable, (the policyholder cannot continue the coverage at the end of the term).
  • convertible, (to whole life or other cash value insurance) or non-convertible, (no convertibility to whole life or other cash value insurance is available).

2. Whole Life
It is a popular type of cash value insurance that builds up cash value and continues coverage until age 90 or 100.

3. Universal Life

Introduced a couple of decades ago, it is a type of cash value insurance that allows greater flexibility than a traditional whole life plan.

[one_half nr=”last”][header_title title=”WHY BUY LIFE INSURANCE?” header_size=”h2″]

1. Income Replacement
2. Funeral Expenses
3. Pay Off Debts
4. Pay Off Medical Bills
5. Mortgage Life Insurance



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